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Blood Ravens

            C H A P L A I N P R A T H I O S          
            T H E B L O O D R A V E N S              
            I N Q U I S T O R M O R D E C A I T O T H
            N                                 H      
            G O D S P L I T T E R             E      
            A                                 O      
            B O L T E R                       R      
            R                                 K      
          L I T A N Y O F F U R Y             S      
            L I B R A R I A N I S A D O R A K I O S  
C R I M S O N R E D                                  
        T H E M A L E D I C T U M                    
          C O L O N E L B R O M                      
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1 Current Chaplain of the Blood Raven's 3rd Company?
2 Colonel Brom and his forces were supported by the space marines known as?
3 Who detected the chaotic taint from Isador?
5 A Relic Daemonhammer wielded by Captain Gabriel Angelos?
6 Most Blood Raven Marine Soldiers are armed with what weapon as their gun?
7 Name of the Blood Raven's Battle Barge Ship in the story?
8 The Blood Raven's 3rd Company Librarian?
9 Color of the Blood Raven's armor?
10 Chaotic Artifact fought over in the story?
11 Imperial Guard Colonel tasked with overseeing the 32th Tartarus Planet Defense Force?
1 Captain of the Blood Raven's 3rd Company?
4 The forces that Colonel Brom defended Tartarus against?
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