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Bloodborne Pathogens Crossword Puzzle

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Bloodborne Pathogens

                  1 2              
        6       7                  
              11               12    
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1 this virus can survive for 1 week in dried blood
5 most common chronic bloodborne infection
8 containers for used syringes must all have a label with ________ on it.
9 skin is torn from the body
10 a virus that enters a host cell and changes its RNA to a pro-viral DNA replica
11 a wound with a jagged edge appearance
14 skin is scraped against a rough surface, removing the top layer of skin and exposing numerous blood capillaries
15 primary body fluid of transmission
2 EPA approved disinfectant
3 a wound with small edges
4 a bacterial infection usually related to puncture wounds that cause fever and convulsions
6 single most preventative measure for the prevention of transmission
7 cleaning solutions that contain agents which inactivate viruses
12 the organization responsible for health and safety in the workplace
13 secondary symptom of Hepatitis
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