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Bob Dylan Crossword Puzzle
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Bob Dylan

3   4            
        9   10    
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2 What animal was Bob's nasal voice compared to?
4 When Bob was 14 years old, he had a band named 'The Golden ______'
5 'But _________ musta had the highway blues' (from Visions of Johanna)
6 'Sweet ________ the peasants call her the goddess of gloom'
7 In 1987 Bob played in Rupert Everett's movie called '_______ of Fire'
11 Bob's father was a semi professional ________ player
1 Bob's first girlfriend's name was _______ Star Helstrom
3 'Now there's a certain thing that I learned from _______' (from Open the Door, Homer)
4 'Is _________ sweeping up on desolation row'
8 The disease Bob's father had
9 'You walk into the room with your ________ in your hand' (from Ballad of a Thin Man)
10 Bob's younger brother name
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