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Bombing OF Darwin Crossword Puzzle

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Bombing of Darwin

        6   7                      
9           10               11      
15         16     17                  
        18 19                        
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3 a journal where people write about their life
4 the surname of the author of 'The Bombing of Darwin'
5 a group of people that fight for their country
6 to be ordered to be moved somewhere safe in an emergency
8 a fight between two countries
10 an underwater ship
13 an individual who fights for an army
14 a country's friends in time of need
15 an explosive devise
16 the story of the past
18 an Asian country involved in the attack on Darwin in WW2
1 when someone freaks out
2 the leader of the Nazi party during WW2
3 The capital city of Northern Territory
7 a large island country in the Asian Pacific region
9 opposite of future
11 a person or country that is against you
12 a sound that is set off to alert people
17 a hole dug for protection during battles
19 a violent act against a person or place
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