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Bon Jovi

            S                 O                  
          J O H N B O N G I O V I                
            N                 I     J            
            G                       O       P    
            W H O S A Y S Y O U C A N T G O H O M
            R                               I    
          T I C O T O R R E S               L    
            T                               X    
          B E D O F R O S E S                    
            R       O                            
            S       C                            
            H       K                            
      B R Y A N                                  
T W E N T Y O N E                                
          N E W J E R S E Y                      
Across Down
3 The singers birth name
6 Album, that won their first grammy award
7 Drummer
8 Their most recognizable song
10 The man behind the keyboards
11 The number of awards they have won
12 They came from _____
1 Second part of the name of the band
2 In which prestigious place was Jon introduced into in 2009
4 First name of the singer from Bon Jovi
5 Unofficial member of the group
9 The band plays ______ music
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