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Booker T. Washington Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Booker T. Washington

            J A N E F E R G U S O N        
      E D U C A T O R                      
              T A L I A F E R R O          
V I R G I N I A                            
  W E B D U B O I S                        
              R O O S E V E L T            
    A L A B A M A                          
              S A M U E L A R M S T R O N G
T U S K E G E E                            
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1 the name of washingtons mother she was a former slave cook
3 what he is famously know for besides civil ighs activist
4 booker t washingtons middle name
5 state where he was born
6 civil rights leader who disagreed with washington
7 the president that invited him to lunch at the white house
8 state where he died
9 the name of the general who offered washington a scholaship
10 name of institute he helped create
2 speech washington gave in 1895 to hlp geogias conomy and help man blacks
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