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Brave New World Crossword Puzzle

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Brave New World

                          3   4       5      
      12     13                 14              
15                 16                          
17                     18                      
Across Down
6 the embryos and babies are grown for nine months
9 is a fictional process of human cloning that is a key aspect of the world
10 provides the main characters with their primary motivations
13 producing living young and not eggs
15 administrates the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre
16 one of Lenina's many lovers
17 is the most powerful and intelligent proponent of the World State
18 Author
19 loud and resounding
20 an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad
21 laborers
22 Betas clothing color
23 green; semi-skilled workers
24 all guys wants her
25 the level of casual conversation and habit, religion has been replaced
1 Alpha-plus; smart
2 second highest caste; intelligent and skilled
3 occurring or coming into existence after a person's death
4 the quality of being deceptive
5 gray; for government jobs
7 modeled on aiming for a state in which everything is perfect
8 education is very strictly controlled
11 Delta's clothing color
12 was Linda’s lover on the New Mexico Savage Reservation
14 symbol of the use of instant gratification to control the World State's populance
16 Alpha; more serious rebel than Bernard
18 curved down like an eagle's beak
19 relating to or using air or a similar gas
20 has a job that nobody else wants
24 John's mom; soma addict
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