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British Empire Crossword Puzzle Answer

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British Empire

Find all the missing words about the largest Empire that ever existed!

        W I L B E R F O R C E
I N D I A         P          
      S O N S O F A F R I C A
C O L O N I E S              
        E Q U I A N O        
S L A V E R Y                
C A N A D A                  
        C L A R K S O N      
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2 The last name of a member of Parliament who supported the abolition of slavery
3 A country in Southern Asia under the British Empire
4 12 Black men who campaigned against slavery
5 A country that has been overrun by foreigners and is occupied by those people
6 The last name of a black campaigner that helped abolish slavery
7 A method the British used to make money
8 A country discovered by Jacques Cartier
9 An interviewer who interviewed over 20,000 sailors
1 A lawyer who campaigned for the abolition of slavery
2 A war in India that took place in 1857
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