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Bruce Lee Crossword Puzzle
Bruce Lee Crossword Puzzle
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Bruce Lee

Complete the crossword puzzle below.

                        4   5    
      10                       11  
      13   14                      
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3 This was Bruce Lee's birthname ____.
6 Bruce Lee had a son named ____.
7 This was were had met his wife.
8 The type of karate Bruce studied.
10 This was the cause of Bruce Lee death.
13 When returning to America Bruce had stayed in what state.
1 Bruce Lee was born in the year of the ____.
2 This was the age that Bruce was before his death.
3 Bruce's wife name was ____.
4 Bruce's nationallity was ____.
5 Bruce Lee had a sister named ____.
9 Bruce Lee had a brother named ____.
11 Besides karate Bruce was also an ____.
12 Bruce Lee had a trainer named ____.
14 Bruce Lee had a daughter named ____.
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