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Byzantine Empire

          B       I              
          Y       N              
        C Z A R   I              
          A       A              
      C O N S T A N T I N O P L E
  J U S T I N I A N C O D E      
      T H E O D O R A            
S C H I S M                      
    H A G I A S O P H I A        
          R       A              
    P O P E       T              
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3 A male monarch or emperor
4 The largest city and former capital of Turkey, Previously known as Byzantium
5 Systematic body of law. Revised outdated, confusing, and contradictory laws. Extending
6 The most powerful woman in Byzantine history, she passed laws and advised her husband, Justinian
7 Division of a group into opposing factions
8 Most famous example of Byzantine architecture, it was built under Justinian I and is considered one of the most perfect buildings in the world.
10 Leader of catholioc church
1 Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire - created a code of laws used in the Byzantine
2 Empire that lasted untill 1453 when it was conquered by ottoman turks
9 Title for the heads of the Eastern Orthodox Churches
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