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Canada's Changing Population

                          2     3               4    
                    6                               7
                  8                         9        
          15             16             17              
      18             19         20   21                  
22 23                                                  
Across Down
6 age-sex bar graph
8 a government policy that encourages cultural diversity in Canada
10 Canada's first peoples
11 to pass this, skilled workers need to score at least 67
13 this is an indicator of how quickly a population will grow
14 young people (less than 14 years of age) and older people (65 years or older) who generally are not in the workforce
15 Once every ten years the government of Canada does a complete count of the population in one of these
19 moving from another country to take up permanent residence in Canada
22 both skilled workers and business immigrants are part of this category
1 the total number of people in a country
2 Inuit language
3 number of children born in a year, for every 1000 habitants
4 represented by the bulge in the middle of Canada's population pyramid
5 this category is the only way for young children to enter Canada as immigrants
6 number of people living in a specified area, expressed as people per square kilometre
7 the study of various aspects of population
9 the plural form of 'inuk'; it refers to the aboriginal people living in Canada's arctic
12 Canada's is 7.3 deaths per 1000
16 Most Canadians who do this are moving to the U.S.
17 people who are between the ages of 15 and 65 years
18 descendents of fur traders and aboriginal people, living in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
20 fleeing to escape torture, persecution, or death
21 knowledge and wisdom about natural systems that has been acquired by aboriginal people who have lived in close harmony with nature
23 the province or territory in Canada that has the widest base (youngest population) in its population pyramid
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