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Captain Hardcastle Crossword Puzzle

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Captain Hardcastle

Answer the questions and use them to write your answer to the exam question.

                      4     5  
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3 Although he looks funny, what does Captain hardcastle take pride in?
6 What word describes the way the boys see Captain hardcastle?
8 Captain Hardcastle thinks 'small boys are insects' suggesting he feels what for them?
9 What tone of voice does the writer use when describing his moustache?
10 What is the name for a growth of hair on a mans upper lip?
1 What is the language technique called for when you call something by a different name?
2 What job does Captain Hardcastle do?
3 What language technque is used in the phrase 'truly terrifying sight'?
4 Someone who takes too much pride in their appearance could be said to be ____?
5 What is a word to describe someone you really don't like?
7 Due to his dislike of people what word could describe Captain Hardcastle?
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