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Career Decisions Crossword Puzzle

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Career Decisions

3           4                          
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3 is a paid or unpaid shor-term job offered to a student whi is interesed in entering a particular filed
5 is a training program that combines classroom instruction with paid on-the-job experience under the guidance of a skilled worker.
6 officially recognized as maintaing stamdards that will qualify student for additional education
7 natural talents
9 work form home using communication links to the workplace
10 someone who owns a business o assumes the financial risk for a business.
1 enables eployees to work the hours that suit them best.
2 is a series of related jobs or achievements through which a person progresses in a particular fiels.
4 refers to the way you live as measured by the kinds of quality of goods and services you can afford.
8 requires most employers to grant workes leae for certain family and medical reasons
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