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Cell Structure Crossword Puzzle

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Cell Structure

    4                             5  
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2 This type of cell is found in humans and plants
3 This organelle 'files and sorts' proteins for release out of the cell
4 This type of cell is a simple cell, found in bacteria
6 This organelle is important in releasing energy in the cell. It converts chemical into usable energy.
7 The 'structure' of a cell, gives cells their shape.
8 Mini organs in a cell that have a wide variety of functions
9 Jelly like substance found in all cells.
10 'clean up crew' of the cell. Breaks down lipids,carbs and proteins to be used by the rest of the cell.
11 Found in cytoplasm, proteins are assembled on these
1 The center or 'brain' of the cell
2 Chemically modifies proteins for export, is like a customization factory
5 This substance is found in every living cell. It makes us who we are
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