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Chapter 3

                          M               H
                    R     E           A   E
                    U     T           L   O
                    R     H           L   R
          P O P U L A T I O N D E N S I T Y
          O         L     D           A    
          P                           N    
          U R B A N I Z A T I O N     C    
          L                           E    
      D E A T H R A T E                    
          I M M I G R A N T S              
  U R B A N                                
          D E M O G R A P H Y              
    C L U S T E R                          
    M I G R A T I O N                      
          B I R T H R A T E                
D I S P U T E                              
        P O P U L A T I O N                
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5 the average number of people per square mile or kilometer.
6 the movement of people to cities, and the growth of cities.
7 the number of deaths each year per 1000 people.
8 people who move into one country from another.
9 located in cities and towns.
10 the science that studies population distribution and changed.
11 a group of something.
12 the movement of people from one place or region to another.
13 the number of live births each year per 1000 people.
14 an argument or disagreement.
15 total number of people in an area.
1 an idea or belief about how something is done.
2 a way of doing something.
3 located in the countryside.
4 a union
5 the way a population is spread out over an area.
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