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Childrens Verse

                      1             2    
              6             7            
        8               9                
    10                             11   12  
        14     15                          
16             17                          
        19                 20           21  
    22         23                   24      
          28     29                        
              32           33              
                    35   36                
Across Down
3 Cried all the way home
5 Mother
7 What This Old Man did
10 Where you row your boat
13 Vegetable used when learning to count
14 Star-like in the sky
16 Miss Muffet sat on one
17 Many lived in a shoe
22 He huffs and puffs
23 Wee Willie Winky's garb
25 Little, short and stout
26 Where Mother Hubbard keeps pet treats
28 Old King Cole had three
30 Bo Peep lost them
31 He saved food for the winter
32 Humpty Dumpty was a big one
33 Old McDonald's vowels
34 They helped the shoemaker
35 Green and Yellow container
1 Dish ran away with
2 Ran up the clock
4 The Ugly Duckling became this
5 Where Mary's Bluebells are found
6 The Piper's son
7 Peter's favorite food
8 Blowing wind makes this rock
9 Peter Piper picked them
11 Baker's man marks it with a 'B'
12 Boy Blues' are in the corn
15 Mama's gonna buy this for baby
18 Where Baby Bunting's daddy has gone
19 Baa Baa Sheep color
20 Where Jack Horner sat
21 Jacks broke when he fell
24 Nimble and quick
27 Who Red was on her way to see
28 He lived in the Dell
29 A magic one lives by the sea
30 Went up the water spout
35 Godilocks visited their house
36 Mary's lambs destination
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