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Christian Baptism Crossword Puzzle

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Christian Baptism

Use the hints and information on the sheets to help you with the answers.

                          5   6          
        7     8                          
    9                 10                  
11   12       13                            
Across Down
3 the representatives of the child (unrelated)
4 a symbol of light
8 what it is called when someone is dunked into the water
9 the representatives of the child (related)
11 a symbol of forgiveness
13 what this is about
1 the thing that washes you
2 a symbol of peace
4 what faith it is
5 the person who baptizes the child
6 the thing that holds the water
7 the thing that pours the oil
10 the person who started this
12 what you put on after you've been washed
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