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Christian Beliefs

                  6                     7
                  13 14           15        
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4 The act of rising from the dead.
5 Jesus was executed by the Romans on Good Friday in this way.
6 A religion that believes in one God.
8 Jesus restoring the relationship between God and the people through his life and death.
9 The saving of the soul brought about through good works or grace.
10 An attribute of God that means he is all-powerful.
12 The 3rd person of the Trinity.
13 The idea that believers have a duty to look after the environment.
1 Jesus was God in human form, he was God ________.
2 A state of eternal happiness in the presence of God.
3 10 laws given to Moses by God for Christians to follow.
7 The act by which God made the universe in 7 days.
11 The supreme being.
14 The belief that there are 3 persons in one God- God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.
15 An action or thought that separates humans from God.
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