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Civil Rights

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1 Supreme Court case that rules that separate educational facilities were unequal
5 Full name of the leader of the SCLC
6 City where a sit-in helps to end segregated lunch counters in the south
7 Name of Supreme Court case that establishes separate but equal law
8 City where Dr. King begins to use children to fill the jails
9 Name of the school James Meredith enters in 1962
11 Name of the event that is 'a call for jobs and freedom' and is also nonviolent
12 Group that will ride from Washington D.C. to the South to test integration laws
13 Used the court system to bring about change
14 Group that used Non-violent protests
15 City where nine black students will test integration laws
2 Name of the organization that helps to organize Montgomery Bus Boycott
3 Last name of the woman that sparks the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955
4 Last name of the lead attorney in the Brown v. Board case
10 Group that preached peaceful confrontation
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