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Civil Rights

                F R E E D O M                           P O L L T A X
                            A                               R        
                          F R E E D O M R I D E R S         I        
                            T                               G        
                            I H A V E A D R E A M S P E E C H        
                            N                               T        
    P               B     P L E S S Y V S F E R G U S O N   S        
    R               L       U                                        
    O               O   N A T I O N A L G U A R D                    
    T               O       H                                        
    E               D O L L E X P E R I M E N T                      
    S               Y       R                                        
L I T E R A C Y T E S T     K                                        
                    U     L I T T L E R O C K N I N E                
S E G R E G A T I O N       N                                        
                    D       G R E E N S B O R O F O U R              
                    A       J                         O              
      E Q U A L I T Y     B R O W N V S B O A R D     S              
                          O                           A              
                          Y                           P              
                          C                           A              
                          O                           R              
                          T                           K K K          
                          T                           S              
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2 Black People have been trying to have this from the start when they were slaves.
4 African American had to pay this if they did good in the literacy test and still wanted to vote.
5 Black and white people riding in hound dog buses to travel north states to south segregated states, just to use things only for white and black.
6 A speech that Martin Luther King Jr. told who was last to talked but people.
9 A court case about a man who was ⅞ white who got arrested for being in a white train car and the court case became separate but equal.
10 They had to protect the Little Rock Nine from getting hit by white people and the white mobs.
11 An experiment to young blacks kids about them choosing one of the two dolls to show the court how segregation affect the kids.
12 African American had to take this if they wanted to vote.
13 Nine kids from Central High who were picked by this school by the the order of the Supreme court to enter in the school with the National Guard.
14 To be apart from a race or thing
15 Four freshmen who sat in a white lunch counter and stayed until they closed but they would come back again tomorrow.
17 African American wanted this throughout america for each black citizen and to whites.
18 A court about a black girl who wanted to attend a white school but got rejected because the schools were segregated.
19 A hate group towards black people that would threaten or kill people.
1 People having the rights of a citizen
3 An important civil right leader who gave the “I have a Dream” speech
7 An action against something you dislike
8 When Martin Luther King Jr. lead a march but was attacked by police which were hitting the blacks and using tear gas.
16 She was a lady who refused to give up a seat to a white person and kinda started the bus boycott.
18 To refuse to use from that company
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