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Civil Rights

                                      M A L C O M X
          B L A C K P A N T H E R S   E            
          R                           R            
F R E E D O M S U M M E R             E            
          W                           D            
          N                           I            
          V O T I N G R I G H T S A C T O F        
          B                           H            
        M A R T I N L U T H E R K I N G J R        
          D E F A C T O S E G R E G A T I O N      
          F R E E D O M R I D E R S                
          D E J U R E S E G R E G A T I O N        
          A F F I R M A T I V E A C T I O N        
        C I V I L R I G H T S A C T O F            
          O       O                                
  S I T I N S     S                                
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2 African American leader who encouraged his followers to take control of their lives
3 political party created to fight against police brutality in the ghettos
4 campaign to try to influence Congress to pass a voting rights act
5 took out 'literacy' tests that were previously needed to vote
6 Leader of the Montgomery Improvement Association and Civil Rights Movement
7 segregation because of custom and practice
8 Civil rights activists who rode on buses to test the Supreme Court's decision to ban segregated buses
9 segregation because of law
10 making special actions to hire/enroll groups that have suffered from discrimination
11 stopped discrimination in housing
13 When African American protesters sat at segregated counters and refused to leave until they were served
1 First Amrican American to be admitted to the previously segregated University of Mississippi
3 The case that made segregation in school unconstitutional
12 the woman who started the bus boycotts
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