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Civil War Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Civil war

              T H E C O N F E D E R A C Y    
              S T O N E W A L L J A C K S O N
              U L Y S S E S S G R A N T      
T O T A L W A R                              
              A B R A H A M L I N C O L N    
          T H E U N I O N                    
              S L A V E R Y                  
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2 What the south called themselves
3 A southern general
4 A northern general
5 The strategy general Grant put into action intended to end the war
6 He was the unions presedent
7 What the north called themselves
8 A large contribution to what started the war.
1 The speach given by Lincoln after the battle of Gettysburg
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