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Claude Monet Crossword Puzzle
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Claude Monet

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  7         8                            
  9     10                                
          13                       14   15  
                  16     17   18            
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2 What Monet did to his paintings if he didn't like them
3 Age Monet died
8 Monet's most famous paintings featured these flowers
9 Monet developed this in his eyes and almost became blind
11 Critics thought Monet's paintings looked
12 Name of one of his sons
13 City Monet was born in
16 Disease Alice died from
1 Village near Vernon the family moved to several years after Camille died
4 Monet was the leader of this art movement
5 Name of the women who shared her house with the Monets
6 Age Monet was when he finally bought a house
7 Name of one of his sons
10 Gave Monet money to study art in Paris
14 The month Monet was born
15 Age Monet went to Paris to study art
17 Number of children in the house the Monet's shared with Alice
18 Name of Monet's first wife
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