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Climate Change Crossword Puzzle
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Climate Change

5                   6                              
                    9                           10  
                  15                     16          
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5 something that causes little or no damage to the environment
7 a measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide that we produce
8 changes in the world's weather
9 the way the Earth's atmosphere traps some of the energy from the Sun
11 a gas produced by burning fossil fuels
12 the cutting down of trees
13 a gradual increase in world temperatures caused by GHG
14 a gas that causes the greenhouse effect
15 something that causesdamage to the environment
1 a gas produced in landfills and rice fields
2 the animals that produce a lot of methane
3 fuel such as gas, coal and oil
4 a way to reduce your carbon footprint and save your health
6 the amount of the earth's energy that someone or something uses
10 a group of people who travel together in a car
16 a food produced near
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