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Clothing And Grooming Crossword Puzzle

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Clothing and Grooming

        3                                 4    
          6                           7        
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3 A product less likely to cause an allergic reaction.
6 These fibers come from natural sources such as plants or animals.
8 A type of store that gives part of the sale price to the original owner.
9 A way to wash a garment.
11 Type of product that doesn't clog pores and lead to acne.
13 A process that cleans fabrics using special liquids instead of water.
14 A physician who specializes in treating the skin.
15 Items that complete an outfit.
1 A look or style that is popular at a particular time.
2 Fibers that are made from substances such as a wood pulp and pertroleum.
4 The collection of clothes, shoes, and accessories that you own.
5 Treatment applied to fabrics to produce a certain look, feel, or performance.
7 Fashions that don't go out of style.
10 Combinations of different fibers.
12 Information on an article of clothing.
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