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Clouds Crossword Puzzle

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                        2                 3          
        4                             5              
6                     7                              
                          9               10   11      
                        12                     13      
                                      14       15      
Across Down
2 clouds that are high white and thin
6 fluffy masses
8 clouds that create a uniform white to greyish sheet covering the sky with the sun or moon visible
9 clouds that are larger and denser, composed of rounded masses
12 flat base and the appearance of rising domes or towers
13 produced by cumulonimbus clouds
15 means drops of water that fall from a cloud and have a diameter of .5mm
16 these clouds occupy heights between 2000 to 6000 meters
1 these clouds are precipitation makers
3 these result when air rises and cools adiabatically
4 this is the result of radiation cooling or the movement of air over a cold surface
5 the fall of small particles of clear to translucent ice
6 flat layers
7 these clouds are a uniform fog like layer of clouds that cover much of the sky
10 these clouds form below 2000 meters
11 how most raindrops are shaped
14 these clouds normally have bases above 6000 meters
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