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Cold War

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2 Worked to bring down the Berlin wall
4 The beliefs that if one nation in Asia fell to the communists neighbouring countries would follow
5 A connection to develop more and more powerful weapons
6 They political and military barrier that isolated Soviets controlled countries of eastern after world war 2
7 A system of transporting food and supplies by aircraft into an area other wise impossible to reach
9 List of persons who are disapproved of and area punished such as by being refused jobs
10 Organized around two opposite extremes
11 First superior commander of NATO before becoming president
13 To keep or hold
14 Competition between the superpower kept heating up
1 Wars in which the super powers backed different stides that acted as substitutes for the superpowers themselves
3 Tried to contain the spread of communism and led America into the cold war
4 A region where no military forces or weapons are permitted
8 The time when the U.S. and the Soiet Union competed for the best weapons
12 Stood firm during the Cuban missile crisis
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