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Colonization of America

                                1   2                    
                                            3     4      
                            5           6             7  
                  11   12                                  
                        13                               14
                  15                                 16    
  22                     23                                
                        25                 26              
Across Down
9 2 European countries most friendly to Natives
10 farming to make a profit
12 established idea of 'majority rules' in the Plymouth colony
13 provided religious fredoms in Maryland colony
15 rules of trade between England & colonies
17 joined Williams in Rhode Island
18 when products are produced in homes
21 established religious freedoms in Maryland colony
23 first representative govt., established in Jamestown colony
24 introduced idea of church & govt. being apart
25 trade between America, Europe & Africa
28 1st governor of Plymouth colony
1 one major reason Jamestown & Plymouth succeeded
2 wrote the Fundamental Orders in Connecticut
3 this activity was most common in the southern region
4 led Quakers to Pennsylvania colony
5 became a 'mediator between Natives & Jamestown cooloni
6 leader/savior of Jamestown colony
7 crops , like tobacco, sold to make $$$
8 a settlement under the control of a parent country
9 Williams idea that later led to our 1st amendment free religion clause
10 helped Plymouth colonists survive by teaching them planting, fishing, etc
11 colonial region with long cold winters
14 middle colonies wre known as this
16 a thinly settled area outside of a colony
19 colonial region with long hot summers
20 colonial region where all 4 seasons were experienced
22 introduced tobacco as a cash crop to Jamestown
26 8 of the 13 colonies were considered this
27 permission or plan to start a colony
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