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Colonize the Red Planet

                M         P  
                A         H  
                R         O  
                T         B  
                I         O  
          P O L A R C A P S  
            L   N            
        T E M P E R A T U R E
A P P E A R S                
          G O D O F W A R    
            N     A          
  T A L L E S T   L          
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3 Mars has------------------- like Earth, although the ice is made up of carbon dioxide or what we call dry ice.
5 The---------------------- on Mars is almost always sunny but is very cold and windy.
6 On Mars, the Sun-------------- about half the size as it does on Earth.
7 Mars gets its name from the Roman--------------------.
9 Mars is home to the ---------------- mountain in the solar system.
1 ------------------surface gravity is only 37% of the Earth’s, meaning you could leap nearly three times higher on Mars.
2 Mars has two Moons named ----------------and Deimos.
4 A shield volcano named--------------- on Mars that is 21km high and 600km in diameter.
8 Rocks from Mars have-------------------to Earth.
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