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Communication Crossword Puzzle Answer

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  A S S E R T I V E C O M M U N I C A T I O N
  G                     P                    
  G                     A                    
  R E C E I V E R       T                    
  E                     H                    
  S E N D E R           Y                    
A C T I V E L I S T E N I N G                
  M I X E D M E S S A G E                    
  N O N V E R B A L C O M M U N I C A T I O N
P A S S I V E C O M M U N I C A T I O N      
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2 freely express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings respectfully and allow others to do the same
3 the person who accepts a message from the messenger
4 the person who transmits the message
5 involves asking questions and restating ideas to discover the true message of the sender
6 when a difference between the sender's verbal and nonverbal message occurs
7 when a message is sent without any words
8 unwilling to say what they feel, think, or desire and want to avoid all conflict.
1 the ability to identify with and share another person's feelings.
2 aim to hurt or put down other people and show disrespect
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