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Congress Crossword Puzzle

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      2 3                        
    5   6                        
7                             8  
                13         14      
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2 the minimum amount of years a senator must be a citizen for
6 to put a bill away for 10 days (either passing or kiling the bill)
7 Senators represent their _________________
9 two-house body
10 Congressmen can send job-related mail free, as part of the _________ privelege
11 Representatives represent their state's ______________
13 _____________powers are written in the Constitution
16 minimum age of Senator
1 a ________committee is one made up of both members of each house
3 to accuse an official of wrongdoing
4 branch of government that Congress is in
5 Congress is the ____ making body
8 ___________ leaders act as spokespeople for their parties
12 length of citzenship required to be in the House of Representatives
14 a permanent committee is a _____________ committee
15 to reject a bill
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