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        P O R T A B L E A P P L I A N C E S            
            F R E E Z E R T E M P E R A T U R E S      
          K I T C H E N U T E N S I L                  
    C O N V E C T I O N C O O K I N G                  
          B A K E W A R E                              
          F O O D B O R N E I L L N E S S E S          
H O L D H O T F O O D S                                
            E                         C     G          
            M E A S U R E M E N T E Q U I V A L E N T S
            P                   E     P     L          
    W H O L E P O U L T R Y     A           L          
            R                   S           O          
  C O O K W A R E               P           N          
            T                   O                      
        P O U N D               O                      
            R                   N                      
            S A N I T A T I O N                        
Across Down
1 Can be easily moved from on place to another.
3 0 Degrees F
4 A hand-held kitchen tool used for measuring, cutting, mizing, cooking, or baking tasks.
5 Involves circulating hot air over all food surfaces.
6 Used for baking foods in the oven.
7 Sicknesses caused by eating contaminated food.
8 140 Degrees F
11 Amounts that are equal to other amounts.
13 180 Degrees F
14 Special equipment needed for cooking, such as, saucepans and skillets.
15 lb. or #
16 The process of maintaining a clean and healthy environment.
2 40 Degrees F
9 c. or C.
10 gal.
12 Tsp, or t.
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