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Coomera Penguins Crossword Puzzle

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Coomera Penguins

A crossword about Antarctica

                  5             6                  
        8   9                                      
                              10       11            
            12   13       14                          
16                                   17              
Across Down
2 the home to the _____ pole
4 the second largest seal in antarctica ( there is a space in between the two words)
5 What surrounds the south pole?
9 what are like mountains but smaller and covered in snow ( space in between the two words)
11 the most common research station in antarctica
13 What melts the surrounding of antarctica? ( there is a space in between the two words)
16 one of the bears that are climatized and white
17 another name for wild animals.
18 what do you dig deep in ?
1 What is an animal that surrounds in the oceans of Antarctica? ( there is a space in between the two words)
3 antarctica is surrounded by Is_____s
6 What is Antarctica's ground covered in?
7 What is something in Antarctica that is thick and white.
8 the most __________ed areas on earth
10 What is something in Antarctica that makes snow and ice fall?
11 one of the 7 ____________ of the world.
12 What is made out of frozen freshwater and not seawater?
14 when snow/rock falls and makes an ____________
15 lone of the animals used to race in the snow.
16 What is an animal that is black and white in Antarctica?
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