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Coraline Crossword Puzzle
Coraline Crossword Puzzle
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      7                     8   9        
    13                       14            
                16       17                
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2 who gives coraline a doll that looks like her
5 Mr Bobinsky has a ........... circus
7 Miss Spinks and Miss Forcible used to be
9 what was behind the door when coralines mother opened it
10 what does coralines other mother want to sew on her eyes
11 coralines family lives in the
13 the garden in the pink palace is shaped as who's face
16 where are coralines parents trapped
18 what does the other mother put on coralines poison oak
1 what does coraline use to find the old well
3 where does coraline find her other farther when she is looking for the souls
4 who predicts danger in coralines future from reading tea leaves
6 what is coralines surname
8 where does coraline trap the other mothers hand
12 who heps coraline challenge her other mother
13 what did the other mother cook when coraline first meets het
14 where does coraline meet the ghosts
15 what does coraline use to see the souls
17 what colour is coralines uniform
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