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Crew, Editing, Directing Crossword Puzzle

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Crew, Editing, Directing

            1     2            
            9         10        
  12                 13          
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1 This is the video that has been filmed for a movie.
3 After a movie is shot, it needs to be__________.
4 The person who puts the sound and video together.
6 The director needs a clear ____________vision for a movie.
8 The leader of the film crew is the ________.
9 The film editor uses a _______________program to watch and organize the video.
11 Jobs that people do making a movie are very ______________.
13 The director of a movie is also the ____________ of a production.
14 The editor picks the best one or _____________.
15 The group of people working on a movie.
1 The director knows how he wants the audience to _____________ after they see the movie.
2 Where the movie goes after the director gives the okay!
5 All the work and time spent planning and making of a film.
7 The film crew is a like a ____________team.
10 The film crew must work _____________.
12 One part of a movie can be shot up to _______ times.
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