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Criminal Investigations

        P O L I C E P R O C E D U R E S      
              C R I M E L A B                
      D O C U M E N T                        
      H Y P O T H E S I S                    
    E V I D E N C E                          
            D I R E C T E V I D E N C E      
              L O C A R D S P R I N C I P L E
F R Y E R U L E                              
              I N T E R V I E W              
        F O R E N S I C S C I E N C E        
        F O R E N S I C L A B                
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2 specific things done by investigators at the scene of the crime
3 after collecting and labeling evidence, it is sent to the _________ ________
4 what investigators do to the area of the crime- including photographing and measuring
5 the 'testable' idea that investigators use to attempt to explain or solve the crime
6 anything that helps prove guilt or innocence of a person suspected of a crime
7 something that proves the fact without doubt (eye-witness)
8 the principle that states that criminals always take a trace of something and leave a trace of something at the scene of the crime
9 a rule that states that new scientific techniques must be accepted by the scientific community before being used as evidence in court
10 what investigators do to witnesses
11 the scientific examination of evidence in a criminal investigation
12 specially trained people who analyze and interpret evidence
1 provides supporting facts to establish truth through indirect means
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