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Developing Muscular Fitness

          1                     2              
                        3           4          
    5                               6          
8                 9                            
          12       13                            
                  15   16                        
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5 When muscles are not used, grow weaker, and shrink in size it is called _______.
6 Exercise in which the muscle contracts but does not change length.
8 Exercise in which the muscle contracts and movement occurs.
9 For progressive overload, you may increased the number of lifts, or __________, performed.
10 This type of contraction involves a shortening of the muscle.
11 The opposing muscle during a movement.
13 The process of muscle fibers increasing in size and strengthening due to increased workload.
14 The contracting muscle that initiates movement.
15 The principle of resistance training that states that in order to see results, you must train that specific area.
17 ________ muscle groups should be worked before small muscle groups.
18 One repetition __________ is the most weight you can lift one time using correct form.
1 These types of muscle fibers have high aerobic capacity, low power, and are recruited for endurance events.
2 These types of muscle fibers contract quickly, generate more force, fatigue quickly, and are recruited for short-burst activities.
3 For breathing during exercises, you should always ______ (inhale/exhale) as you push or pull.
4 A type of dynamic exercise in which the speed of movement is controlled.
7 ________ are more affordable and allow more variety than machines when weight training.
12 Muscular __________ is the ability to apply force rapidly.
16 This type of contraction involves a lengthening of the muscle.
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