WhenWe Crossword Puzzles

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Development Challenge

                      9                           10
                  12                           13    
                      15     16   17       18          
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5 The parenting style that sets stricts standards with little reinforcement.
6 Shows knowledge though actions, direct experience and manipulating objects.
7 The 3-8 week time period where rapid growth and cell differentiation occurs
8 two equal quanties remain equal even if the appearance of one is changed
9 an optimal time when an organism must be exposed
11 change the schema to fit the characteristics of the new object
12 The inability to take another person's perspective
14 Gives nutrients, oxygen, and water
15 This Psychologist said that infants will look longer at impossible events.
19 When animals form attachments during a critical period early in life.
20 when someone touces a childs cheek they automatically turn their head
1 A person's characteristic emotional reactivity and intensity.
2 can only relate things from their perspectives
3 This filters out any harmful substances that may be passed
4 This psychologist said that children's moral judgements are built upon cognitive development.
10 a concept or framework that we use to organize information
13 Young boys will compete with their fathers for their mother's attention. (vise versa with girls)
16 this psychologist said that each stage of life has its own psychosocial task or crisis that needs resolution
17 trying to fit a new object into an existing and/or old schema
18 the reprical bond between parents and children
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