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Diary OF A Worm Crossword Puzzle

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Diary of a Worm

                        2     3      
      7                 8            
      9   10             11     12     13
          14               15          
        18     19     20                
21   22                                
          24         25                
Across Down
2 to stop trying
5 to have someone or something affect you in a bad way
6 eight legged insect that weaves webs
8 all or whole
9 a lot of
11 to bend
14 cause or allow (something, especially food or drink) to pass down the throat.
16 the act of recollecting something from the past
18 children's game which involves jumping on squares drawn on the ground
21 times of the year such as winter, summer, fall, spring
23 animals with long, slender soft bodies and no legs or arms
25 to feel tired or exhausted after doing something
26 joint between leg and foot
1 making a hole in the ground using tools or hands
3 the planet that we live on
4 food placed in front of an animal to catch or trap them
5 to let air into and out of your body
7 dip into water or liquid
10 placed with the upper part where the lower part should be; inverted
12 to be unable to move
13 a book for writing daily events or feelings
15 loose soil or earth; the ground.
17 to chew loudly while eating
19 path next to a road or street just for walking
20 long passage under the ground
22 the 4th month of the year
24 the 3rd month of the year
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