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DNA Replication

4             5                              
              13                       14      
Across Down
4 During replication, mis-matched base pairs will need to be _____
6 The SSBP's prevent this from happening after the helicase enzyme unzips the DNA
8 The new strand being built by the DNA Polymerase III enzyme.
10 Repeating, non-coding stretches of DNA at the end of a chromosome. Some is lost at each replication.
11 Enzyme responsible for marking the start for the DNA Polymerase to begin writing.
13 The type of DNA replication where one strand is new and one is original.
15 Enzyme responsible for preventing supercoiling when DNA is unwound
16 Enzyme responsible for 'unzipping' the DNA
1 The strand that is read and written discontinuously, resulting in Okazaki fragments
2 Enzyme responsible for repairing or 'gluing' the Okazaki fragments back together
3 Cell division where DNA replication is needed for growth & repair
5 Enzyme responsible for 'reading up and writing down'
7 RNA sequence that must be removed before replication can be completed. More of these on the lagging strand.
9 Small fragments created in the lagging strand
12 The strand that is read and written continuously
14 The original strand that is being copied.
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