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Dog Breeds Crossword Puzzle
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Dog Breeds

                1             2              
              3           4                  
          7     8                            
        12           13                        
    16                             17          
Across Down
3 Blue eyed, snow loving breed
5 A 'Welsh' dog breed
8 The largest dog breed
9 Breed with poofy fur, lots of wrinkles, and a black tongue
12 Breed from China with a curly tail
13 There were 101 of this breed in a Disney movie
15 This breed started as mountain rescue dogs in Switzerland
17 A breed that is often mixed with other breeds to prevent shedding
18 Medium sized hunting dog with white, brown, and black color
19 Large, fawn colored dog with a white chest and black snout
1 A thick, short legged dog with a wrinkly face
2 I have short legs and a tube-shaped body
4 A breed that can be black, yellow, or chocolate
6 A big, friendly, black breed that loves to swim
7 Tiny, mostly white breed that is hard to train
10 I might be 'golden'
11 Peter
14 Like a collie, but shorter
15 German dog often used in police work
16 A calm breed that often weighs over 100 pounds
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