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                  S Y M M E T R Y C E N T E R L I N E          
R I G H T A N G L E                                 S          
                  C U T T I N G P L A N E L I N E S            
            G     N                                            
            R     D I M E N S I O N L I N E S                  
            A     A                             C              
            P   P R I M A R Y C E N T E R L I N E S            
            H     Y                             N              
            M     C                             T              
            E     E X T E N S I O N L I N E S   E              
            T     N                             R              
            H     T                             L              
          B O R D E R L I N E S             G U I D E L I N E S
            D     R                             N              
                A L P H A B E T O F L I N E S   E              
                  I                         K   S              
            P H A N T O M L I N E S         E                  
                  E                         T                  
                  S E C T I O N L I N E S   C                  
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2 A thin line used to indicate the center of a symmetrical object.
3 90 degree angle.
4 Heavy, dashed lines used to show sectional views. Arrows are extended from the endpoints to illustrate the viewing direction.
6 Thin lines normally drawn between two extension lines, with arrows or ticks at the end and a dimension at the center.
8 A thin line used to indicate the center of a round object in a primary (true-shape) view.
9 Light lines used to project dimension lines to specific points on an object.
10 The heaviest lines used in drafting, serving as 'frame' for a drawing and established a space between the drawing and the edge of the paper.
11 Very light lines used as guides for lettering a drawing.
12 A collection of the different lines used in drafting, with classifications for line weight (thickness) and linetype.
14 Thin lines made up of long and short dashes, used to indicate alternate positions for moving parts, repeated details, or motion paths.
15 Thin lines used when drawing inside features of an object exposed by a cutting plane. Lines are drawn using patterns corresponding to different materials.
1 Thick lines drawn to indicate the visible edges and intersections of an object. Also called 'visible lines'.
2 A thin line used to indicate the center of a round object in a secondary (not true- shape) view.
5 Drawings can be reduced or enlarged easily and quickly using this method.
7 Thin lines made up of long and short dashes with spaces in between, used to indicate centers of symmetrical.
13 To draw without the aid of drafting instruments.
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