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Eagle Strike Crossword Puzzle

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Eagle Strike

8           9                        
          11 12                        
                                13   14
      15         16         17          
  18   19                              
  20         21       22                
Across Down
2 A organization Alex's uncle was in.
3 Millionaire That had plans to kill many people.
5 A important device that files about EagleStrike .
6 A useful riding material that is customized by Smithers.
7 The President's plane.
8 A fight that is very dangerous and took place on the beach of South France.
10 It's an organization that has plans to change the world.
11 A gaming system that will kill many people.
16 A town in South France on the border.
19 This is what Cray did to Sabina.
20 A killing by getting drowned by coins.
23 A weapon that only the President can control.
1 Where Sabina's dad was when he was injured.
4 A photographer who got involved with Damian Cray and was killed.
5 One of the games of the gameslayer.
8 A weapon that was used on Sabina's dad.
9 A killing device that Yassen and Cray have.
12 he is a fourteen year old boy that saved the world and works for M16.
13 A working member at M16.
14 Cray's piolet.
15 Alex's guardian.
17 Leader of the U.S.A.
18 Young girl who is Alex's friend.
21 A man who was killed by the term 'Blood Money'.
22 He is a works for a killing organization.
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