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Early European Exploration Crossword Puzzle

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Early European Exploration

              1   2     3              
              4 5                      
  7     8                             9
                15     16             17  
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4 rebirth of knowledge
6 the last surviving member of her tribe who died in 1829
10 this Italian sailed up the east coast of North America from Florida to Nova Scotia in 1524
11 knowledge and developments in science
12 disease which attacks the lungs
13 claim and control new territory in foreign lands
14 he sailed across the ocean blue in 1492 and explored the West Indies, South America, and the Caribbean
15 accumulation of wealth in gold and silver
1 French explorer who made three voyages to what is now Quebec between 1534-1543
2 Irish monk who crossed the Atlantic Ocean looking for 'The Land of Promise' (c. 500-700)
3 between 900-1000, they discovered Newfoundland and called it Vinland
5 believing that your culture is the best
7 Native tribe from Newfoundland which became extinct after European contact
8 he claimed Newfoundland for England in 1497
9 India and China
14 foreign land owned by a country
16 holy wars in the Middle East
17 disease caused by a lack of vitamin C
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