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Early Humans and Civilizations

                  1   2             3    
        14                 15              
17           18     19                      
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4 to seek or obtain food
7 to find the age of something based on the number of half lives the carbon had
8 a Prehistoric Era also known as the new stone age
9 an area of rich farmland in Southwest Asia
10 a Prehistoric Era also known as the old stone age
12 to tame animals for human use
16 the study of prehistoric people and their cultures by examining artifacts
17 the biological species that modern humans belong to
1 human history in the time period before recorded events
2 an archaeological site that is or has been excavated
3 a prehistoric monument consisting of a large circle of megaliths surrounding a smaller circle and four massive trilithons
5 a name for a creature that walks upright
6 any human made object from a prehistoric era
7 a Babylonian legal code dealing with crimes and punishments
11 a system of writing with wedge shaped symbols invented by the Sumerians
13 the act of moving from one place to settle in another
14 a group of family members that lived together during the paleolithic era
15 remains from any living thing from a former geological age
18 the practice of herding as the primary economic activity of a society
19 to move to different places following a food source
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