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Earth Layers Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Earth Layers

    C R U S T              
  I N N E R C O R E        
  D E N S I T Y            
  L I T H O S P H E R E    
M A N T L E                
  O U T E R C O R E        
  A S T H E N O S P H E R E
Across Down
1 The outermost layer of the earth that we stand on
2 The hottest layer of the earth in the very middle, that is is solid metal and creates gravity
3 Density gets higher the farther into the earth
4 The hard, broken layer of the mantle that carries all the continents and sits on the asthenosphere
5 The largest layer of the earth closest to the surface other than the crust that is made of liquid molten
6 The layer closest to the inner core made of liquid iron and metal
7 The soft layer of the mantle that the Lithosphere rests on, convection currents run through it
1 The transfer of heat to the surface of the earth from the inner core, causing the tectonic plates to shift
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