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Earth Layers Crossword Puzzle

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Earth Layers

                        1         2                  
                    3         4                      
      6                                   7          
9                                 10                  
12 13                   14                              
              22           23   24                      
Across Down
8 Three main layers
9 A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving away from each other
11 made of crust and upper mantle
12 a thin layer of gases
15 middle layer of the mantle
16 outer layer of the mantle
17 A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving toward each other
18 75% of Earth’s surface
19 lower part of the mantle
21 the outer layer that humans stand on
22 plate runs over another and causes it to sink into the mantle
1 a tectonic boundary where two plates are moving past each other
2 true center of the Earth
3 increases towards the center of the Earth
4 deformation of the crust as a consequence of plate interaction
5 living things
6 center of the earth
7 composed mostly in Earth’s interior
8 The transfer of heat to the surface of the earth from the inner core
10 supercontinent that included all current land masses,
13 how many types of plate boundaries
14 how many types of plates
20 layer beneath the crust
23 deepest part of the ocean
24 The layer closest to the inner core made of liquid iron and metal
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