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Earth Science Astronomy

Mason Smith 4A

        C O R O N A                              
                  N U C L E A R F U S I O N      
              S O L A R F L A R E S              
C H R O M O S P H E R E                          
                  R A D I A T I V E Z O N E      
          P R O M I N E N C E S                  
            P H O T O S P H E R E                
                  I                       H      
                C O N V E C T I O N Z O N E      
                  N                       A      
                  B                       T      
              S O L A R W I N D                  
                  T                         L   E
                  S O L A R C O M P O S I T I O N
                        U   O         U     G   E
                        R   R         N     H   R
                        O   E         S     T   G
                        R             P         Y
                        A             O          
                        S             T          
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2 The outer most layer of the sun's atmosphere, and the only layer seen during a full solar eclipse.
3 Nuclei combine together to form a new nuclei.
4 An eruption on the sun's surface that creates massive power.
5 The 2nd most outer layer of the suns atmosphere.
6 The second layer of the sun.
7 Incandescent gas that extends above the photosphere.
8 The seen layer of the sun.
10 The 3rd layer of the sun.
11 The continuous flow of charged particles from the sun that permeates the solar system.
14 The composition of solar things.
1 A layer of energetic charged particles that is held in place around a magnetized planet.
9 The quality of being hot.
12 This makes things visible.
13 The ability to move.
15 Colored light produced by charged particles from the solar wind.
16 The center of an planet.
17 Dark spots on the sun.
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