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Earthquakes Crossword Puzzle

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Complete the crossword puzzle.

      3                 4          
    10         11                    
Across Down
3 The block of rock that lies below the fault.
4 A force that acts on rock to change its shape or volume
5 A force that pulls on the crust, stretching the rock so that it becomes thinner in the middle.
6 Stress that puses a mass of rock in two opposite directions.
7 A type of fault where rocks on either side move past each other sideways with little up-or-down motion
8 An upward fold in rock formed by compression of Earth's crust.
10 The block of rock that lies above the fault.
1 A type of fault where the hanging wall slides upward; caused by compression in the crust.
2 A stress force that squeezes rock until it folds or breaks.
4 A downward fold in rock formed by compresshion in Earth's crust.
9 A landform that has high elevation and a more or less level surface.
11 A type of fault where the hanging wall slides downward; caused by tension in the crust.
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