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Use the hints to solve the puzzle!

          3               4            
  7       8   9                        
  11   12                                
              15       16                
Across Down
5 strong
8 broken into pieces
10 not having any mistakes; precise
11 written incorrectly
13 verb tense that usually end in -ed
14 taken apart or a way from
15 an area in which people live
17 verb tense that tells something will happen some time from now
18 a person who sells goods or services
1 verb tense that shows something always occurs
2 not being able to go to sleep
3 under ground object that carries gas and/or water that can burst
4 people who blew up the buildings to stop the fire from spreading
6 to say again
7 a loud, deep sound; like the rolling of objects
9 cause when plates are shifting into their new positions
12 a part of a whole; a small area
14 badly affected; harm caused
16 not having fortune
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